Home > FileMaker In The Cloud > Support > Android Android Smartphones and Tablets - FileMaker Pro FileMaker Pro doesn't run on Android smartphones and tablets! Right? Wrong! Citrix Receiver Android App is available as a free download from Google Play and, once installed on on your Android device, you can use all of the user and developer features of FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Pro Advanced on your Android phone or tablet. The following video shows a standard FileMaker Pro 13 database running within Citrix Receiver on Android KitKat 4.4 using a first generation Nexus 7. The database accessed has not been optimised for a touch device and the demonstration shows why any database should include an interface designed specifically for the platforms being used. Unlike the FileMaker Go option on IOS there is no offline option. The video was created using a standard ADSL2 connection and WiFi, although a 3G connection is perfectly adequate as all processing is carried out by the cloud server. Video duration 03:43 |