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Home > FileMaker In The Cloud > Pricing

filemaker cloud hostingPricing

The cost to put your own FileMaker databases on one of our cloud servers per user per month is:

£25.00 + VAT

The above assumes you already own your own copies of FileMaker. We can provide FileMaker 14, 15 or 16 licenses for an additional £6.00 + VAT per license per month.

To explain why this form of cloud hosting is more expensive than others currenlty offered, please view this speed demonstration. Our customers are worldwide and choose our Citrix based service when they require remote access or connections between locations at speeds equivalent to those achieved when running databases on local Ethernet networks.

There are no hidden extras; the above includes everything you need including your FileMaker, Citrix XenApp and Microsoft licenses with maintenance for future upgrades.

There are no set up fees, no data transfer costs, no charges for addition or amendment of users and we will help you through the process of moving your databases to the cloud, including an online cloud test account before making any commitments.

Non UK customers will be invoiced at the appropriate currency conversion rate applicable at the time.

Details for dedicated or custom servers can be found here. >>

The above price takes the annual cost of the software and hosting charges and divides them by 12. We are effectively providing an interest free loan for your software costs for the year. Here's the detail of what is included within the £29:

filemaker cloud hostingA single FileMaker Pro annual volume license to run your databases. FileMaker Advanced licenses can also be supplied to developers for an extra £2.50 per month.




filemaker cloud hostingA single user contribution towards the FileMaker Server software running on the cloud server. The provision of FileMaker Server Advanced can be made by arrangement.




filemaker cloud hostingDisaster recovery: Servers can be rebuilt in minutes from images stored on the cloud. No more calling engineers and waiting for replacement parts or machines.




filemaker cloud hostingScheduled back-ups, which are run to a schedule agreed with you. Back-ups are made on the virtual server, within the cloud, and to a secure location outside of the cloud. By special arrangement, we can even get your FileMaker databases backed up to one of your own computers!



filemaker cloud hosting A single user license for Citrix XenApp, which is the most expensive component within our pricing matrix and provides the core (and speed) of our cloud based service.


filemaker cloud hostingA contribution to the Sophos Anti-Virus software running on the virtual server.


filemaker cloud hostingA single user Windows 2008 Server license.




filemaker cloud virtual serverA contribution to the Hyve hosting costs of the virtual server.


filemaker cloud virtual server