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Home > FileMaker In The Cloud > Support > Mac OS X Problem Solving

Mac OS X Problem Solving

We have very few problems with our Citrix XenApp cloud solutions, but there are one or two simple troubleshooting steps that can be followed should a problem occur.

Mac users can help reduce the risk of problems occurring by following the advice on our Mac OX X Dos and Don'ts page. However, here are solutions that have worked before:

FileMaker fails to launch after logging in to the cloud server

We have seen this happen for the following reasons:

One or more files called 'launch.ica' files have been left in your Downloads folder.

If you find any of these files in your Downloads folder, move them to the Trash/Wastebasket, Quit your browser (Use File:Quit, do not close the window using the red close box) and then try logging in again.

The server account has become disconnected, rather than logged out, which can be due to:

- network disconnection
- computer sleep whilst logged in to FileMaker
- closure of the Citrix View/Receiver/ICA Client window rather than exiting FileMaker
- quitting the Citrix View/Receiver/ICA Client window rather than exiting FileMaker

The above can usually be rectified by waiting for just over 1 hour when the server should log your account out. If this doesn't happen and you have tried all of the above, then you will need to contact us so that your account can be logged off the server manually.

After following the Mac OS X First Access procedures, the Citrix software may need to be uninstalled and reinstalled. The video below shows how to do this.


Note - all log-in details are censored in the video; these are issued to our customers.

The above assumes that the computer being used has already followed the procedures from Mac OS X First Access or Mac OS X Daily Access.


citrix ica client