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Home > FileMaker In The Cloud > Security

filemaker cloud securitySecurity

We have spent more time testing and revising our security protocols than we have in making FileMaker work over the cloud. For obvious reasons, we will not document our security protocols publicly.

Our virtual servers have been 'hardened' by removing all but the absolute minimum features required to run only FileMaker and Citrix XenApp. All other standard features have been disabled. We have made extensive use of SSL certificates and public/private key pairs. Each server has been configured to a documented and tested set of protocols that attempt to eliminate unwanted access.

All servers are protected by Sophos Anti-Virus.

Our security protocols are continually reviewed as technology changes.

All servers are backed up as images in the cloud, as snapshots after a configuration change and on a daily basis. In the event of a major problem with a server, it can be re-built from an online image in minutes.

FileMaker Server's built-in backup features are used to backup within the cloud and, using some bespoke systems, out of the cloud to secure locations. Backup schedules are agreed with each customer.

To summarise, we utilise all known techniques available to us to protect your data, and our own data, which also resides in the cloud.

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