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Home > FileMaker In The Cloud > Support > Cloud Specific - Windows

Cloud Specific - Windows

It is very easy to forget you are using FileMaker from one of our cloud servers, as most of the time it appears to be running locally on your own computer or mobile device. However, there are one or two features that do require some consideration, such as:

Importing and Exporting Data

Using Import, Export, Save As and container fields requires access to the source or destination file, which usually resides on your computer's own hard disk or network server. However, when using your databases in the cloud, when you first select import or export, rather than see your own computer's folders you may see those of the virtual server, which will not be accessible for security reasons. The following video shows how to exchange data between FileMaker in the cloud and your own local files:

(If you view our videos in full screen mode, please right click to select 'HD' to improve the quality)



FileMaker allows the sending of emails using the Send Mail command available in the File menu or as a script step. Unfortunately, at the current stage of development of the Citrix XenApp software, it is not possible to pass this instruction from cloud based FileMaker to your local email client.

However, if this is essential to your system, please contact us as we can offer alternatives to the standard FileMaker Send Mail feature.

Web Browsing

As the delivery method for viruses has shifted from email towards web pages, only limited use of Filemaker's own Web Viewer is allowed on our shared cloud servers. XenApp will redirect web address links to your own browser, so web addresses held within your databases can be launched locally on your own PC.

Other Issues

We welcome reports of other differences or issues discovered, so that we can expand the information on this page.

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