Home > FileMaker In The Cloud > Video Demos > Speed Comparisons - Methodology Speed Comparisons - Methodology April 2015 - Our office has recently been upgraded from ADSL to fibre Internet. This has provided us the opportunity to make a direct comparison of using FileMaker over both connection types, compare these to the same databases running on a local server and our Citrix XenApp cloud servers. The original tests and videos published are gradually being replaced by new tests carried out on FileMaker Pro 13 and links to these have '(new)' included. The information below relates to the original tests and will remain until all test pages have been updated: The objective of our tests was to compare the speed of some day-to-day database operations when:
The above tests were repeated using FileMaker 11 and then FileMaker 12. The tests were carried out on a 17" MacBook Pro 2.66Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo running 8Gb RAM connected to the Internet via a 100Mbs wired Ethernet network and a standard 8Mbs ADSL business broadband connection. Mac OS X was chosen in preference to Windows only because it has the ability to run multiple copies of FileMaker, which Windows does not, allowing us to record the results. We believe the results to be representative for both operating systems. In each case the results are published as a chart and a video recording of the test is provided to substantiate the results. The following video will explain the methodology used: (If you view our videos in full screen mode, please right click to select 'HD' to improve the quality)