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Home > FileMaker In The Cloud > Video Demos > Speed Comparisons - Layout Navigation

Speed Comparisons - Layout Navigation

The details of this test are shown in the video below, therefore we'll focus on the results. As shown by the first chart below, the benchmark copy of FileMaker Pro 11 running locally on the Mac's hard disk took 5 seconds to complete the test, with our cloud systems taking 8 and 9 seconds; interestingly, FileMaker Pro 12 being the slower of the 2. However, using the same servers (but with FileMaker running locally on the Mac), and the more traditional Internet hosting solution - i.e. with all network traffic between FileMaker Pro and Server going over the Internet, the tests took 31 and 35 seconds, with FileMaker 12 being the quicker of the 2 this time.

The second chart shows results for the same test run for a second time, the difference being that the layouts are cached in memory and network speeds are less important. It is no surprise that there is very little difference between the 5 solutions.

filemaker 11 12 speed comparison

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filemaker 11 12 speed comparisonfilemaker 11 12 speed comparison