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Home > FileMaker In The Cloud > How It Works > Cloud Technical > FileMaker

filemaker cloudFileMaker Pro, Pro Advanced and Go

FileMaker Pro and Pro Advanced are database rapid development tools that combine simplicity with power. These products can be used to both design and run databases on Macs and Windows, whereas FileMaker Go is designed as a thin client to run databases (not design) on iOS iPhones and iPads.

FileMaker databases run happily in mixed environments using Mac or Windows servers with Mac and Windows clients.

Using FileMaker's intuitive interface, simple databases such as contacts or products forms and lists can be built very quickly. However, using FileMaker's relational, scripting and plug-in capabilities full applications can be built to help run organisations and integrate with the web.

For off-line access to databases we recommend FileMaker Go and use this extensively ourselves. If you require the full functionality of FileMaker Pro or Pro Advanced and mostly connect via wired, wireless networks or 3G, then we recommend a cloud solution.

Hybrids using a combination of both technologies are also possible.

Upon logging in to one of our cloud server's secure web pages you will be presented with either FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Pro Advanced icons (or both if you own both licenses). A single click and a full copy of FileMaker will be running on your computer device, whether it be a Mac, Windows PC, iPhone, iPad or Android device.


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