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Home > FileMaker History > Recent Years > Back In Time

FileMaker History - Back In Time

Version 6.0 - XML import and export, multimedia and digital image import, Windows XP logo certified, interface enhancements, customised dialogue boxes, enhanced sorting, find and replace, plus additional enhancements.

Version 5.5 - The first Mac OS X native version and Windows 2000 logo certified. Improved ODBC, Excel support, QuickTime Graphics import engine, enhanced CSS support for rendering, plus general improvements to existing tools and the addition of a few new ones.

Version 5.0 - A major upgrade with old database files having to be converted to a new format. Interface revision, ODBC driver, table view, conditional value lists, layout/report assistant, script import (hooray!), data merge on import and QuickTime VR support. Importantly, the Unlimited version appeared for the first time, with the standard version limited to 12 TCP/IP network connections within a rolling 12 hour period. FileMaker Pro Server released.

Version 4.1 - Minor upgrade adding ODBC data import, Microsoft Excel 98 for Mac support, support for the Euro and the capabilities to create unlimited, non-networkable runtime applications in the Developer version. Claris abandons other software applications, changes its name to FileMaker Inc to focus on their flagship product and the Claris Solutions Alliance (CSA) became the FileMaker Solutions Alliance (FSA)

Version 4.0 - The file structure remained the same, the web companion made its first appearance with its own http server and CGI - you could run a complete web site with a single copy of FileMaker Pro. Instant and custom web publishing accompanied this along with sorted relationships, object rotation, support for GIF and JPEG images, exact field match and the ability to import Excel files directly.

Version 3.0 - A serious upgrade, existing files required conversion to the new structure and relational files and portals appear at last along with TCP/IP support. Word processing functions were added with value lists, conditional scripting, large file size and OLE. Later in 1996 FileMaker Pro Server 3.0 was released, as was the FileMaker Pro Solutions Development Kit (SDK), which allowed unlimited networkable runtimes of FileMaker Pro 3.0 files to be created.

Version 2.1 - Small upgrade bringing NETBIOS and MacIPX support, server administration, QuickTime for Windows plus other minor additions. The following year FileMaker Pro SDK v2.1 and FileMaker Pro Server 2.0 were released.

Version 2.0 - Microsoft Windows version appears with Mac and PC users able to share databases. Other additions included ScriptMaker, field formatting, summary data export and QuickTime for Mac.

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